Sunday, August 22, 2010

further attempts at decoration...

The one above is for Emily's mission trainer Sister Gandolf, while the one below is for a special someone :) Yep, might be you. As soon as the mail goes out!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Emily has been asking about some hair things... and I was able to make her some more this week (it is amazing what I get done with a day or two off! Yeah!
(Please excuse the bed) I thought that they looked great in my hair! I hope that she enjoys them as well--

In a fit of flurried flusters, I felt the need to make some cards... and figured that if I was sending a package to Emily, she could use some birthday cards on her mission..... not for her, but for her to give away (birthdays always sneak up on me)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

amidst the craziness....

My dear sister Emily (who is serving a mission in Tacoma WA currently) requested hair things... and so I have put together flowers, and buttons and bobby pins.... and it is bright and cheerful! I know this isn't that original, but it brightens my day, and that is enough for now.